That’s a beautiful word, isn’t it?
It’s stuck with me ever since I head the song. Sure, it isn’t officially a word but it alludes to something so beautiful that it probably should be.
Having to make some major decisions that could shape your future really forces you to put things into perspective. Right now the future seems so uncertain. There are times you almost feel trapped, like you’re in a cave longing and looking for the light so that you can crawl out to freedom.
To me, this is one of my favourite pictures because of the meaning and sentiment behind it. It might not be the most technically sound but it’s one that I love and will probably have on my wall at some point as a reminder.
We stumbled upon this cave during a hike up a hill and we couldn’t help but stop here for pictures. I knew exactly what kind of a photograph I wanted when we entered (is this the process of visualisation that Ansel Adams spoke of?). I tried to express the mental picture I had and explain it to my friend and then asked her to look up at the open ceiling as if she were longing for something. I assumed she would go with a rather sad or serious expression but she went with a faint hint of a smile and as I was working on the picture that really stood out because it really brought out the emotion I was trying to convey.
Looking above for guidance, hope and reassurance might seem silly but that’s something I’ve tried to do because without God’s help and His guidance I would truly be lost. There are moments when I fail to see it or even refuse to because I’m arrogant but that light, that glow is always present. All I have to do it look for it and follow the everglow.