I shared a black and white version of this image a while back but I’m sharing this now because I just couldn’t decide which one I liked better.

This was the only flower of its kind in that beautiful garden. That seemed a little odd since every other species had at least two of its kind growing. Another thing that struck me was the placement of this flower – it was growing in a corner almost hidden from plain sight but it was still so beautiful.

This is getting philosophical but I think there’s a lesson to be learnt from that and I know it’s something I struggle with as well. I post updates regularly and upload pictures to my blog and various other social media sites but what have I really accomplished? Sometimes you might be bogged down by thoughts like that or the fear of obscurity but I think it’s important to carry on and keep doing what you’re doing even if no one else understands or cares.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great week ahead! 🙂